Zero Waste Establishment

Zero Waste Establishment


'Wet Waste' often referred to as 'Kachra' is considered the primary reason for the odour & the microbial | fungal growth, making it literally un-touchable & un-wanted, leading to its most common destination - Landfills. However, what we see in the so called ‘Kachra’ is the potential to feed thousands of Strays – Dogs, Cows, and various other animals. Using our patented technology, we convert the organic/ wet waste into ‘Animal Feed | Stray Dog Food | Stray Cow Food’. Hence we have customized mobile / on-wheel solutions to process the segregated wet/ organic waste on-site - ‘The DEAD Food Truck’, ensuring the wet waste feeds various Living Beings rather than reaching the Landfills.

The second favourite ingredient of any Landfill/ Dumping site is the 'Single Use & Multi-Layered Plastics' – A Banned Item; considered villainous by most, but an inherent necessity of the Packaging & Food Industry. Once the packaging is opened, it finds its way to the bin; and then to the Landfills. We however try and break this cycle by sourcing tons of such 'BANNED PLASTIC' and processing / recycling the same to create Innovative Furniture, Home Décor & Stationery Items. This process not only saves tons of 'Banned Plastic' from reaching the Landfills, but also saves thousands of Trees from cutting down.

By just treating the 'Organic Waste' and the ‘Banned Plastic’ in a scientific manner, we are able to treat about 75% of the Bin’s content. Rest of the items in the Bin are the easily Recyclable components of Dry Waste; such as Paper, Cardboard, Glass, Hard Plastic, e-Waste, etc. Lastly, a small component also consists of the hazardous waste which is sent for processing to the authorized recyclers.

Once incorporated, the above solution ensures 100% Processing of the Waste (Wet & Dry) ensuring that nothing reaches the Landfills, and the Bulk Waste Generator earns Revenue from the collected Waste, as the same is going to be used as a raw material by us.