Dry Waste Recycling

Dry Waste Recycling

A Banned Approach

Learning from the best makes the journey easier and we are truly inspired by 'Steve Jobs' when he said; "Innovation is the ability to see Change as an Opportunity – not as a Threat".

What was, rather is being seen as a threat is where we saw the window of opportunity. Whilst ‘single – use plastics’ were banned & ‘multi-layered plastics’ constantly negated; and plastics in general given a villainous status, we looked at these items as a huge stock of raw-material which doesn’t have many takers.

Similarly, while wet waste was crowned as ‘kachra’ and tons of food left overs were reaching the landfills, we saw the possibility of feeding stray animals, all by slightly tweaking what the legend ‘Plato’ quoted, and redefining it to: ‘Problem is the mother of all Invention’.

'Max Rebuilds' addresses the banned arenas and contributes in saving a few thousand trees every year by creating an array of innovative products using the single use plastics & multi-layered plastics, along with other recycled material:

‘Max Rebuilds’ is a platform where we constantly find ways to recycle or upcycle the waste (both dry & wet) we collect. Being Recyclers for many years now gives us an edge in exploring the untapped zones, and explore the possibility of creating something unique than the virgin version of the waste itself.

While we create products from all types of waste; plastics (especially single-use & multi-layered) & wet food waste are our favorite raw materials to work with. As these two domains have been negated, ignored, banned and abused; the horizon is huge and untapped.

These two raw materials are unique as these are by far the most abused yet so powerful; one which keeps the entire life-cycle on the planet earth alive – the Food; and the other which is derived from the processing of millions of years of re-cycling implemented by the mother nature itself – Plastics (derived from fossil fuels). If the input / raw material is so unique, it is pretty obvious that the products derived by processing the same would be equally powerful & innovative.

We process the ‘DEAD’ Food to give life to many stray animals & convert the banned plastics into most sought after products which offer both style & durability. Our range includes: