Waste Management Redifined

Waste Management Redifined

A Different Approach

Over these years we have walked the path less taken, which tweaked our thinking & approach and led us to believe that ‘Waste’ is as an Asset; not a ‘Liability’. The last Nine (09) years of our operations have gotten us closer to the ‘Nature’ and guided us to create a model which converts ‘Garbage into Revenue’.

About 500,000kg of waste is produced on a daily basis only in the cities of Gurugram & Manesar. Implying 182,500,000kg (About 2Lac Ton) of waste is produced annually by the millennial city alone.

Global Warming, exponential increase in the diseases & viruses posing worldwide threat to humanity itself, increasing pollution levels which are making the new borns and the kids suffer from breathing problems, extinction of species which people don’t seem to be bothered about and are going by their daily business, aquatic animals dying on a daily basis, and much more – All this is a sign of a huge bubble that is going to burst in the very near future unless we take recourse and mend our ways. With our professional, technological and materialistic growth, more often than not we make mistake of considering ourselves indispensable and most powerful creatures on the face of Earth. However, what we forget is that our presence on the face of the earth is that of a mere spec, and that ‘Nature’ is prepared to evolve and has survived billions of years before the presence of homo sapiens and shall prosper more in the future without them being there.

While industrial & technological debris is a major contributor in pollution levels; the small quantities of waste that is produced from every household & commercial (office & retail) establishment piles up & converts into lakhs of tons of waste being produced on a daily basis.

Max Xchange addresses the domain of the Daily Garbage (Dry & Wet) being produced from household & commercial establishments, generally called as ‘Bulk Waste Generators (BWGs)’. While in our country, thankfully a part of the waste (scrap) reaches the recyclers through the unorganized sector called ‘kabaddiwallas’, the general problem that remains unaddressed is that of the Daily Garbage, which mostly consists of:

We treat ‘Waste as an Asset, not a Liability’, and consider it as a Raw Material to be Re-cycled / Up-cycled. Hence, we simply Buy Waste | Daily Garbage. To us, both Dry & Wet Waste are raw materials and we are the consumers for both. Over the last nine (09) years, we have been trying to change the outlook of people to look at waste, from considering garbage as a liability to converting it into a source of revenue.

Being the true believer in the simple law 'Except Time, everything is Recyclable', we commit:

  1. To buy the Waste (Dry & Wet)
  2. To ensure Nothing reaches the Landfills

Whilst we would like to believe that we are good at our job and take pride in creating innovative products from the waste we collect; we strictly follow the norms and regulations and work under the directives of ‘Solid Waste Management (SWM) Rules’.